Our Top Priorities

Right To Life
We believe that the right to life is the first inalienable right, without which there can be no other rights. We believe…

Religious Liberty
We affirm our founding father’s belief that government should not regulate churches or religious institutions, neither…

Election Integrity
We believe that free and fair elections are the foundation of our country. We support election reform that makes it easier…

Smaller Government
We call for continued efforts to reform state government, knowing that prudent restructuring and rightsizing will save taxpayer…
Other Issues
We are the party of opportunity and support a tax policy designed to
help the economy grow, not stunt the taxpayer or punish achievement.
We believe high taxation of both income and capital growth slows
economic growth and job creation and call for both lower and less
progressive taxation.
We believe the sacred institution of marriage is the foundational unit of
our society.
We believe in the traditional definition of marriage as between one
man and one woman. Further, there should be no attempts to redefine
marriage by any legislation or by any curriculum offered by the
State Department of Education. We also believe the traditional definition
of marriage should be used when placing children who are under the care
of the state.
We believe private child service organizations should be able to set
standards for who qualifies as an adoptive parent. We believe that they
have the right to set these standards based on their religious beliefs.
We believe divorce negatively impacts the physical, mental, emotional,
and economic well-being of children and therefore seek tightened, not
relaxed, laws pertaining to divorce, which will increase the stability of the
traditional family unit.
We believe that single parents deserve support, compassion, and
admiration for carrying out their parental duties in the face of great
obstacles. We call on legislators to protect single parents, who have
already suffered abuse or abandonment of a spouse or partner, from
further economic abuse by strengthening laws related to the collection of child
or spousal support.
We believe physical, sexual, child, and spousal abuse as well as familial
abandonment should be condemned.
We believe in the individual, constitutionally-protected right of the people to keep and bear arms for security and defense of self, family, others, property, or the state, as well as for other lawful purposes.
We encourage personal responsibility for the care and use of these firearms.
We oppose any attempt to diminish the right of all law-abiding citizens to own and bear arms as guaranteed in the Bill of Rights. We expect our elected officials to actively protect this fundamental right.
We believe all children in the state should be provided the opportunity to
receive a quality education, according to their individual abilities. We believe that is best achieved by ensuring local control of educational resources, curriculumim, and testing.
We believe that a quality education includes courses in civics and the founding principles of our nation.
The role of the federal government in education is not enumerated in the Constitution and must be constrained. The control must be returned to teachers, parents, and local school boards.
We support policies that encourage school choice including; home-schooling, charter schools, and private school vouchers.
We believe in the right to voluntary prayer and standing to recite the
Pledge of Allegiance.
We believe the dignity and intrinsic worth of all human beings is self-
We believe discrimination and preferential treatment (now called
Affirmative Action) are in direct conflict with the principles of the
nation’s founding documents and that attempts to create preferential
treatment for citizens based upon race or gender, violate the
Fourteenth Amendment.
We believe the Party should seek membership and leadership from all
citizens of Georgia, who, regardless of race or gender, are
committed to the principles of conservative government.